At the December virtual IPSoC conference, our CTO, Sowmyan Rajagopalan, presented his paper on increasing confidence in analog IP reuse. His presentation is available in the video below. If you would like to understand what Thalia’s targeted automation and migration expertise means for your next project, get in touch to find out more.
Tag: Conferences
SemIsrael: Thalia CTO Sowmyan Rajagopalan discusses the challenges of analog IP reuse
Looking back on June’s SemIsrael virtual event and reflecting on the topics discussed, it’s clear that the developments taking place in the fields of LIDAR and 5G are having a significant impact on the semiconductor industry.
The need for high speed sensors and data conversion to enable autonomous cars will place an increasing demand on the sector to deliver components quickly and evolve them as technology advances. While full autonomy is some way off, the evolutionary process of connected vehicles will mean that the needs will change as technology becomes more advanced and vehicle systems demand more from sensors and mobile data connectivity.
Machine learning was also prevalent in the agenda and discussions. The benefit of machine learning in migration from one process to another is clear and given the time that can be saved in getting new IPs to market, it’s no surprise that the industry is heading in this direction.
Verification, design, IoT devices and Thalia’s own targeted automation technologies are all areas where we are seeing machine learning play an ever-more important role. High performance circuits, including technologies such as 12FF and 7FF, are increasingly demanding the efficiency and accuracy that machine learning can deliver at pace.
Our CTO, Sowmyan Rajagopalan, presented his paper on addressing technology differences in IP reuse. His presentation is available in the video below. If you would like to understand what Thalia’s targeted automation and migration expertise means for your next project, get in touch to find out more.